Hostnames in different locations updated to the same IP address Hostnames in different lo...

Topic: Hostnames in different locations updated to the same IP address

Post Hostnames in different locations updated to the same IP address
by Chuck Pliske on Thursday, October 8, 2015

I have signed up for two ddns addresses:, and I have the dynu ip update client running in both places, but for some reason the is returning the number of the instead of it's own ip! This used to work fine but for some reason today both names are returning the same number!

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Post Re: Hostnames in different locations updated to the same IP address
by timothytw on Thursday, October 8, 2015

If you use only username and password for the client software, all the hostnames without location name in your account will be updated to the same IP address.

To update hostnames in different locations, you may set up a 'Location' name for the hostname in the control panel and fill in the 'Location' name in the client software. For more information, you may refer to

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Saturday, October 5, 2024 11:21 AM