Why do IPV4 addresses set in the DDNS set up form revert to the address I am accessing my account from?  Why do IPV4 addresses set...

Topic: Why do IPV4 addresses set in the DDNS set up form revert to the address I am accessing my account from?

Post Why do IPV4 addresses set in the DDNS set up form revert to the address I am accessing my account from?
by studioj on Wednesday, December 15, 2021

I have 2 domains in my account supported by your DDNS. One domain is hosted at the IP that I access my account from and the other is hosted at a remote location (different IP). Why is the IPV4 address associated with the remotely hosted domain reset to the same IPV4 address that I access my Dynu account from? I can manually set the IPV4 address for the remotely hosted domain to the correct value and it remains that way for up to 1 day but it seems that every day, at 0000, the IPV4 address auto resets to be the same IPV4 address as the other domain in my account - which of course is wrong and causes my remotely hosted domain to be inaccessible.

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Post Re: Why do IPV4 addresses set in the DDNS set up form revert to the address I am accessing my account from?
by BigChungus420 on Wednesday, January 26, 2022

studioj wrote: Why is the IPV4 address associated with the remotely hosted domain reset to the same IPV4 address that I access my Dynu account from?

I am experiencing the same issue.

When I login from a device that is not on the same network as my domain to the DYNU control panel, the IP address changes to my devices external IP.

It’s very frustrating because I can’t find a setting to disable DDNS updates from control panel logins.

What’s even the point of the API if it is just going to change at every login. It seems like a dumb thing for them to implement and is probably a bug.

I can tell you what I’m planning on doing if I can’t resolve this issue.

  • Setup the server hosting the domain to more repeatedly update using the API to hopefully keep ownership of the domain.
  • Set up a VPN routing back to the domain network that I will connect to when accessing the Control Panel.

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    Sunday, October 6, 2024 3:27 AM