Email Store/Forward Delay Email Store/Forward Delay...

Topic: Email Store/Forward Delay

Post Email Store/Forward Delay
by Carlosgrr on Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Whenever the DynU server receives an e-mail it takes a few minutes to Forward to my server. I have set the retry interval to 1 minute, and disabled the anti-spam, but it is still taking a few minutes longer than that.

To test the DynU, I have sent and e-mail from my cellphone's GMail account to my server, here is the time table:
18:43:00 - Departure from cellphone GMAIL.
18:43:13 - Arrival at the DynU delivery queue.
18:52:12 - Arrival at my Server.

As you can see, it took almost 9 minutes from arrival to forwarding. Is there anything I can to do decrease the forwarding time?

If I can't, what is the current policy to forward the e-mails? Once the e-mail arrives it waits 9 minutes before the first attempt? Is it on some fixed hours of the day (18:40,18:50,19:00...)? Or is just a matter of processing power on your end (too much e-mails to forward), and it is expected to get worse as time goes by?

Thanks for your attention!

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Post Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by janetmeza on Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I am also using email store/forward but I do not see such a long delay. Did you check when the emails get cleared from the Dynu delivery queue? Is it sometime between 18:43:13 and 18:52:12? Could it be possible that you have some checks on your server that is causing the delay?

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Post Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by janetmeza on Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I went to check if the email delivery to my server is also delayed at this time, but there was no delay at all. So definitely look into your server settings to see if there is any check on your server that is causing it.

I set the retry interval to 1 minute and anti-spam is also disabled. I sent a test email from my Hotmail address to one of the email addresses hosted on my server and got the below:

12:13:00 Email sent from Outlook
12:13:10 Email arrived in Dynu delivery queue with a delivery attempt of 0
12:13:15 The email disappeared from Dynu delivery queue
12:13:30 The email is received by my server

So as far as I can tell, there is no delay.

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Post Re: Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by Carlosgrr on Wednesday, February 7, 2018

janetmeza wrote:I am also using email store/forward but I do not see such a long delay. Did you check when the emails get cleared from the Dynu delivery queue? Is it sometime between 18:43:13 and 18:52:12? Could it be possible that you have some checks on your server that is causing the delay?
Indeed I was checking, and the whole time the "Tries" were marking 0. My system do have Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus, but my time was reported at the entry, before those two and at the first trial it got through.

janetmeza wrote:I went to check if the email delivery to my server is also delayed at this time, but there was no delay at all. So definitely look into your server settings to see if there is any check on your server that is causing it.

I set the retry interval to 1 minute and anti-spam is also disabled. I sent a test email from my Hotmail address to one of the email addresses hosted on my server and got the below:

12:13:00 Email sent from Outlook
12:13:10 Email arrived in Dynu delivery queue with a delivery attempt of 0
12:13:15 The email disappeared from Dynu delivery queue
12:13:30 The email is received by my server

So as far as I can tell, there is no delay.
I did the same test, right now 21:31 (UTC -2), and it came through like yours, in less than a minute.

So there are some explanations to this: 1 - Someone at DynU fixed the issue (reading or not my post, and that's what I'd call an easy fix). 2 - It is a performance issue (inside or outside of their network), and might come back in the future. But at least this does remove the idea that it is a policy setting on their end.

Either way, Right now it is working, and that's what I wanted. So this post might be updated if there are new delays again in the future, unless someone at Dynu comes forward explaining what was the delay and how that got fixed.

Thank you janetmeza for testing and pointing that the delay was not happening and thank you Dynu for providing this service.

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Post Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by alliancenet on Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hi Guys,

I'm now experiencing this delay from external, can someone confirm that this is also a problem? I've removed my email filter and had mail directly sent to my exchange, but same problem.

In delivery queue, the emails will get stuck there with 0 tries and sometimes delayed for over 10 minutes.


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Post Re: Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by janetmeza on Tuesday, February 13, 2018

alliancenet wrote:Hi Guys,

I'm now experiencing this delay from external, can someone confirm that this is also a problem? I've removed my email filter and had mail directly sent to my exchange, but same problem.

In delivery queue, the emails will get stuck there with 0 tries and sometimes delayed for over 10 minutes.

Experiencing delays of about 2,3 minutes. Will open a support ticket to check.

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Post Re: Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by janetmeza on Tuesday, February 13, 2018

alliancenet wrote:Hi Guys,

I'm now experiencing this delay from external, can someone confirm that this is also a problem? I've removed my email filter and had mail directly sent to my exchange, but same problem.

In delivery queue, the emails will get stuck there with 0 tries and sometimes delayed for over 10 minutes.

The delay issue has been resolved. I am following up with the support team as to why the delay happened and how it was fixed.

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Post Re: Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by janetmeza on Tuesday, February 13, 2018

alliancenet wrote:Hi Guys,

I'm now experiencing this delay from external, can someone confirm that this is also a problem? I've removed my email filter and had mail directly sent to my exchange, but same problem.

In delivery queue, the emails will get stuck there with 0 tries and sometimes delayed for over 10 minutes.

There was a performance issue on their end and they have increased the server capacity to resolve this issue.

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Post Re: Re: Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by Carlosgrr on Wednesday, February 14, 2018

janetmeza wrote:
There was a performance issue on their end and they have increased the server capacity to resolve this issue.
Good to hear it has been solved, and thanks for reporting what happened!

Since it is a performance issue and apparently they have already fixed it, another thing that could help in the future is to display the time until the next try in seconds (or minutes if the number gets pasts 300s), it would give a better idea of how long is that, and if it is inside that delay between "retries"! But that is just my "two cents", not necessarily a problem to be solved, as long as the e-mails continue to arrive at a timely fashion, and not necessarily a great improvement, but a rather simplistic improvement and KPI for our decision making, and problem solving, just as the number of tries is already helping.

Anyway, thank you again for taking the time to open a ticket, reporting the problem and getting it fixed.

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Post Re: Email Store/Forward Delay
by janetmeza on Thursday, February 15, 2018

You are very welcome. I also found out that the spam filter does not slow down the delivery so it is better to keep it on if you do need spam filtering.

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