ddclient Bad authorization  ddclient Bad authorizatio...

Topic: ddclient Bad authorization

Post ddclient Bad authorization
by tarfuupdater on Tuesday, August 31, 2021

I have 2 servers in different locations on the same domain.

Server 1 ddclient.conf
## ddclient.conf

daemon=600 # check every 600 seconds
syslog=yes # log update msgs to syslog
#mail=root # mail all msgs to root
#mail-failure=root # mail failed update msgs to root
pid=/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid # record PID in file.
ssl=yes # use ssl-support. Works with

use=web, web=checkip.dynu.com/, web-skip='IP Address' # found after IP Address
protocol=dyndns2 # default protocol
login=user # default login
password=password # default password

That one works fine.

Server 2 ddclient.conf

## ddclient.conf

daemon=600 # check every 600 seconds
syslog=yes # log update msgs to syslog
#mail=root # mail all msgs to root
#mail-failure=root # mail failed update msgs to root
pid=/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid # record PID in file.
ssl=yes # use ssl-support. Works with

use=web, web=checkip.dynu.com/, web-skip='IP Address' # found after IP Address
protocol=dyndns2 # default protocol
login=usere # default login
password=password # default password

Every time it runs I get 2 message in the log.

WARNING: file /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''

FAILED: updating xxxxx.xxxxx.xyz: badauth: Bad authorization (username or password)

I even copied the config from server 1 to server 2 and changed the domain to the correct one for the server and still get the errors. Both servers run the same version of unraid and the same version of ddclient. I removed the docker container and all configs and reinstalled it but get the same results. I am at loss as to what to check next.

Any ideas would be helpful.
Thanks in advance

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Saturday, October 5, 2024 11:34 PM