Email Store/Forward Email Store/Forward

Email Store/Forward

Does your ISP block port 25? This is a convenient service for those who are hosting your email server on a port other than port 25. Our email servers will collect emails and send it across to your email server. All emails are scanned for virus and spam as well. Don't let that blocked port 25 stop you from hosting your own email server! You can run your email server on a non-standard (other than 25) port and receive emails via our email servers to that port.

Host your email server even if port 25 blocked!

Never lose any email again!
Unlimited storage and backup!

Have your emails spam filtered and anti-virus scanned!

Email Store/Forward Service

Get Started

How does it work?

All emails are received on port 25. If this port is blocked, your email server will be unable to receive emails for your domain name. We offer a solution where you can host your email server on a non-standard port(e.g. 26) and receive emails for your domain name via our email servers. Our email servers will receive emails for your domain name and forward them to your email server on its non-standard port. This gives additional benefits such as mail server redundancy as well as spam and anti-virus filtering for your emails as well. Our email servers will hold unlimited emails for your domain name.

How can it be set up?

Setup can be as easy as just signing up for the service. If your domain name is using our name server, our system automatically sets up the appropriate MX records. If your domain name is not using our name servers, you can add and as primary MX records for your domain name after signing up.

NOTE: Email service modes (Email Backup, Email Store/Forward and Email Forward) can be interchanged in the control panel at no additional cost. For example, if you sign up for 'Email Backup' service but later want to use 'Email Store/Forward' service, you can change this setting in the control panel at any time.