Configure dynu on Mint Linux Configure dynu on Mint Li...

Topic: Configure dynu on Mint Linux

Post Configure dynu on Mint Linux
by ebaad12 on Friday, November 10, 2017

Great, followed the document literally and was able to get the services started, but how can I access the control panel and my site is still not linked with the URL.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.




ebaad@linmint /etc/dynuiuc $ ls
dynuiuc.conf dynuiuc.conf.sample
ebaad@linmint /etc/dynuiuc $ cat dynuiuc.conf
username ***
password XXXXXXXXX
location issr
ipv4 true
ipv6 false
pollinterval 300
debug false
quiet true

ebaad@linmint /etc/dynuiuc $ sudo systemctl status dynuiuc.service
● dynuiuc.service - Dynu IP update client daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dynuiuc.service; disabled; vendor pre
Active: active (running) since Fri 2017-11-10 13:12:45 PST; 3h 3min ago
Process: 4466 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dynuiuc --conf_file /etc/dynuiuc/dynuiuc.conf
Main PID: 4468 (dynuiuc)
CGroup: /system.slice/dynuiuc.service
└─4468 /usr/bin/dynuiuc --conf_file /etc/dynuiuc/dynuiuc.conf --log_f

Nov 10 13:12:45 linmint systemd[1]: Starting Dynu IP update client daemon...
Nov 10 13:12:45 linmint systemd[1]: dynuiuc.service: PID file /var/run/dynuiuc.p
Nov 10 13:12:45 linmint systemd[1]: Started Dynu IP update client daemon.
Nov 10 13:12:45 linmint /usr/bin/dynuiuc[4468]: Started /usr/bin/dynuiuc
Nov 10 13:12:45 linmint /usr/bin/dynuiuc[4468]: Ignoring invalid location. You c
Nov 10 13:12:45 linmint /usr/bin/dynuiuc[4468]: Configuration of /usr/bin/dynuiu
Nov 10 13:12:50 linmint /usr/bin/dynuiuc[4468]: { IPv4 Address:, I
Nov 10 13:13:04 linmint systemd[1]: Started Dynu IP update client daemon.

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Post Re: Configure dynu on Mint Linux
by vesey on Friday, November 10, 2017

Please note that if you are inside the same network where the server is hosted, you may need to use the internal IP address as router does not allow bounce back traffic.

There are also 2 errors with your client config file:

Username should be ebaad12 not your email
Location should be left empty if your hostname is not assigned a location no control panel.

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Sunday, October 6, 2024 3:22 AM