Hostname not accessible using mobile broadband network on client side Hostname not accessible u...

Topic: Hostname not accessible using mobile broadband network on client side

Post Hostname not accessible using mobile broadband network on client side
by Skorium on Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I have created the following hostname I have no issue to access the server behind using the dynamic IP address or the hostname above from my Internet at home.
Also, I can access the server directly via the IP address using my mobile 4G connection, but I cannot access to my server using the hostname if I'm using 4G. I tried to change my DNS settings on my mobile phone but nothing change.

From my Internet Home Broadband:
- dynamic public IP address on port 80= OK
- dynamic public IP address on port 1194= OK
- on port 80= OK
- on port 1194= OK

From my Internet 4G Mobile:
- dynamic public IP address on port 80= OK
- dynamic public IP address on port 1194= OK
- on port 80= FAIL
- on port 1194= FAIL

I'm using 2 ports 80 (= for testing purpose, simple text displayed) and 1194 for a personal VPN server I'm running at home.
Each ports are forwarded to their respective host on my network and are tested and working.

Any help/tips/questions will be welcome. Thank you

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Post Re: Hostname not accessible using mobile broadband network on client side
by Skorium on Wednesday, December 30, 2015

So, after checking all settings everything was looking correct. I decided to wait few hours. Today it seems working as expected even through 4G. I will keep an eye on this for the next few days/weeks. :)

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Saturday, October 5, 2024 12:11 PM