Email Port Forwarding question Email Port Forwarding que...

Topic: Email Port Forwarding question

Post Email Port Forwarding question
by jperconte on lundi 23 décembre 2019

I'm hosting an Email server at my home for my camera system, as most ISP/email services are either blocking port 25 and/or require MFA. Before I complete the transfer of my DNS to you, I would like to confirm DYNU can forward in-bound email to a different port other than port 25. I'm ok with paying for a small service fee for this service.

Thanks James

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Post Re: Email Port Forwarding question
by cristobalhdez on vendredi 3 janvier 2020

I have my "mini" mail server hosted on a rock64 (rasberry pi clone) and my ISP is blocking port 25.
I'm using dynu email services to forward all my smtp requests to port 26, then on my router I have a rule to forward those request to the port 25 on my rock64.
Everything is working properly.

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samedi 5 octobre 2024 11:40