SSL Certificate SSL Certificate

What Are SSL Certificates?

SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer, an encryption technology that enables encrypted communication between between the client and the server. To create this secure connection, an SSL certificate is installed on the server side and creates an encrypted channel between the client and the server.

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What are the different types of SSL certificates?

If you are shopping for SSL certificates for the first time, trying to find the certificate that best suits your needs can be challenging. This guide can help you find the perfect certificate to match your needs.

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What is Chain of Trust in SSL?

The certificate chain of trust is a hierarchical structure that ensures the authenticity and integrity of SSL certificates. It establishes trust between the end entity and the client such as a browser by verifying the certificate’s validity. This tutorial explains how certificate chaining works and how a browser determines that your certificate can be trusted.

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What is Private Key and why is it so important?

The Private Key is what provides the powerful ability to authenticate your website on the internet as well as utilize encryption for data in transit. It prevents interception and inpersonation. The private key cannot be regenerated or obtained once it is lost. It can also be misused if it is compromised. This guide provides details about Private Keys and how it impacts SSL certificates.

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How to generate a CSR in Apache OpenSSL?

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is needed to obtain an SSL certificate from a Certificating Authority (CA). This tutorial guides you through the process of creating a new private key if don't already have one as well as creating a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

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How to generate a CSR in Microsoft IIS 10?

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager allows you to create a new Certificate Request. This tutorial guides you through the process of creating a CSR in IIS.

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How can the SSL certificate and Private Key be exported using MMC?

An existing SSL certificate on a Windows server can be exported using Microsoft Management Console (MMC). The private key as well as intermediate certificates can be part of the export as well. This tutorial guides you through the process of exporting it as a .pfx (PKCS#12) file which can be password protected to be stored securely.

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How can a .pfx (PKCS#12) file be imported into a Windows server?

A password protected .pfx (PKCS#12) file can contain your SSL certificate as well as intermediate certificates and private key. This guide can be used to migrate an SSL certificate conveniently from one Windows server to another.

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How can I install intermediate certificates to create proper chain of trust?

Intermediate certificates play an important part in establishing a chain of trust from the SSL certificate installed on the server up to the Certificating Authority (CA). This tutorial guides you through the process of importing an intermediate certificate on a Windows server.

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How can I install an SSL certificate on a Apache web server?

The installation of the SSL certificate on Apache web server can be complicated. This tutorial guides you through the various steps so that the website on Apache can be secured with the SSL certificate.

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How can I install an SSL certificate on Microsoft IIS 10?

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager allows you create Certificate Request as well as Complete Certificate Request. This tutorial guides you through the process of completing the certificate request created in IIS as well as setting up bindings for the website to utilize the SSL certificate.

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