Google to distrust Entrust SSL certificates Google to distrust Entrus...

Google to distrust Entrust SSL certificates


It is a known fact that SSL certificates are critical for internet users to stay safe online. Most browsers will not load a website unless a trusted SSL certificate is installed. In a significant move to enhance digital certificate security, Google Chrome has announced its decision to distrust public SSL/TL certificates issued by Entrust after November 11, 2024. This means that SSL certificates issued by Entrust will stop being recognized by Chrome browsers.

SSL Certificate

Why did it happen?

To understand why Google made the decision to distrust Entrust certificates, you must understand how CA works. CA, or Certificate Authorities are organizations that govern the issuance, revocation and the maintenance of the SSL ecosystem. To maintain its status as a CA, it needed to comply with specific baseline requirements defined by the CA/Browser Forum. The CAs are also expected to work with browsers to fix and prevent compliance issues. Google explained in their blog how "Over the past six years, we have observed a pattern of compliance failures, unmet improvement commitments, and the absence of tangible, measurable progress in response to publicly disclosed incident report".

What will happen?

Any website using an Entrust certificate issued after November 11 will be treated as an unsecured site on Google Chrome, and likely other major browsers will follow suit. This means companies must have a new certificate authority in place to replace certificates expiring after November 11, 2024 to avoid their websites being flagged as untrusted. Entrust customers should start looking for a new SSL certificate provider to ensure that there is no service disruptions.

We work with the world's leading CAs such as Sectigo, Geotrust, Digicert as well as Thawte to provide you with premium security.

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