E-Lins E-Lins

You may use Dynu dynamic DNS service with E-Lins's 'custom' option.

E-Lins Dynu Dynamic DNS

From the main menu, select Services then DDNS. Use the following settings:

  • Enabled: check the check box
  • IP address version: IPv4-Address if you are updating ipv4 address, otherwise IPv6-Address
  • DDNS Service provider[IPv4]: --custom--
  • Custom update-URL: https://api.dynu.com/nic/update?hostname=yourhost
  • Custom update-script:
  • Hostname/Domain: enter your hostname. You may find it in the Control Panel or sign up using here.
  • Username: enter your Dynu username, which could be found in My Account section of the control panel
  • Password: enter your Dynu password or IP update password. MD5 or SHA256 hash of the password is also accepted on our server side.

Listing Item   Dynu Custom IP Update URL

Update one domain name

  • Non SSL: http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?hostname=example.dynuddns.com
  • SSL Format: https://api.dynu.com/nic/update?hostname=example.dynuddns.com

  • Update all domains in your account that do not have a group

  • Non SSL: http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username=USERNAME
  • SSL Format: https://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username=USERNAME

  • Update an alias

  • Non SSL: http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?hostname=example.dynu.com&alias=Alias
  • SSL Format: https://api.dynu.com/nic/update?hostname=example.dynu.com&alias=Alias
  • Update all the domains/hostnames in a group

  • Non SSL: http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username=USERNAME&group=GROUPNAME
  • SSL Format: https://api.dynu.com/nic/update?username=USERNAME&group=GROUPNAME

  • If you still have questions on the configuration, you may refer to the API page or contact support.
