Unable to make DDNS works in Ubuntu Unable to make DDNS works...

Topic: Unable to make DDNS works in Ubuntu

Post Unable to make DDNS works in Ubuntu
by Sugi Arto on 2017年8月22日


I am trying to setup Dynu IP Update Client on Ubuntu 16.
Before running Dynu, I have edited dynuiuc.conf, changed in username, password, & location, others unchanged.
Here is the status of Dynu IP Update Client on Ubuntu :

● dynuiuc.service - Dynu IP update client daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dynuiuc.service; disabled; vendor pre
Active: active (running) since Rab 2017-08-23 10:23:03 WIB; 32s ago
Process: 4546 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dynuiuc --conf_file /etc/dynuiuc/dynuiuc.conf
Main PID: 4548 (dynuiuc)
CGroup: /system.slice/dynuiuc.service
└─4548 /usr/bin/dynuiuc --conf_file /etc/dynuiuc/dynuiuc.conf --log_f

Agu 23 10:23:03 budi-VirtualBox systemd[1]: Stopped Dynu IP update client daemon
Agu 23 10:23:03 budi-VirtualBox systemd[1]: Starting Dynu IP update client daemo
Agu 23 10:23:03 budi-VirtualBox /usr/bin/dynuiuc[4548]: Started /usr/bin/dynuiuc
Agu 23 10:23:03 budi-VirtualBox systemd[1]: Started Dynu IP update client daemon

I am confused with those messages, is Dynu running or not?

I have also open a port in Ubuntu with this command : sudo ufw allow 1234/tcp,
but when check those port on http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/, status always close. There is a program running in Ubuntu monitoring that port.

Ubuntu running in Virtual box. Have tried to setup Dynu in Windows XP, also running in Virtual Box runs OK, means that there is no problem in my router.

So what is wrong ? Am i missed something?

Thanks in advance.

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Post Re: Unable to make DDNS works in Ubuntu
by jperezmacias on 2017年9月10日

Were you able to solve this? I have similar problem. I cannot make it work on Ubuntu 14.

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Post Re: Re: Unable to make DDNS works in Ubuntu
by sugiarto on 2017年10月6日

jperezmacias wrote:Were you able to solve this? I have similar problem. I cannot make it work on Ubuntu 14.
Yes, my router support dynamic DDNS, point it to IP address of Ubuntu, and now it runs OK.

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2024年10月6日 1:21