.CLUB domain names .CLUB domain names

.CLUB is the most popular new domain extension introduced thus far as part of the internet’s recent namespace expansion. It represents community and people coming together around a common interest or passion. For this reason, .CLUB is a great name for any business with a membership, subscription, loyalty or reward program.

Why register .club domains?

The ideal domain extension for the social world we live in. The internet has connected us in ways we never dreamed of. Everyday communities and groups are forming around every imaginable interest.

  • .CLUB is short - 4 characters - and easy to remember
  • .CLUB means something. Adding club as an extension to any word or words and it actually makes sense and represents a community around something.
  • .CLUB has true global appeal. The word club is spelled the same and means the same thing all over the world, even in China and Japan.

Who can register .CLUB domain names?

Anyone can register .CLUB domain names.

How do I transfer my .CLUB domain name to you?

To initiate the transfer of a .CLUB domain name you will be asked to provide an authorization code. You can obtain it from your current domain name's registrar. You must also ensure that the domain name is unlocked for transfer at the current registrar. Make sure you have access to the administrative email of your domain Whois record. You will receive approval email at that email address where you must reply back to the email to authorize the transfer. Once the transfer has been finalised, the domain name's expiration date is extended for a one-year period starting from the date of the end of the transfer.