.ORG domain names .ORG domain names

.COM and .NET domains are managed by Verisign, while .ORG TLD has Public Interest Registry (PIR) as the registry. The .ORG name is truncated from 'organization' and is mostly used by non-profit entities such as non-profits, personal sites, open-source projects and educational platforms etc.

Why register .ORG domains?

  • .ORG domain is a great fit if the website is built for NGO, open-source projects, free educational platform.
  • .ORG is a professional and trusted domain that anyone can use
  • .ORG was one of the original domains established in 1985, and is therefore perceived as more credible than newer alternatives.

Who can register .ORG domain names?

Anyone can register .ORG domain names.

How do I transfer my .ORG domain name to you?

To initiate the transfer of a .ORG domain name you will be asked to provide an authorization code. You can obtain it from your current domain name's registrar. You must also ensure that the domain name is unlocked for transfer at the current registrar. Once the transfer has been finalised, the domain name's expiration date is extended for a one-year period starting from the date of the end of the transfer. You may place a domain transfer here.

Can I transfer my .ORG domain name out of the current registrar if it has expired?

Yes, you can transfer your .ORG domain name away if the domain has expired for less than 30 days and is in what we call a 'renewal grace' period. You do not need to renew the domain name at the current registrar. The registrar is required by ICANN rules to provide you with the auth code to transfer the domain away during this period. However, once the domain has expired for more than 30 days and has gone into redemption, you will have to redeem the domain first with the current registrar before transferring it out.


Domain info Numbers Details
Length 1-63 characters Letters (a-z characters), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (except in the beginning and end as well as the 3rd or 4th characters of the domain name)
Number of name servers 1-13 A DNS server that stores all DNS records for a domain, including A records, MX records, or CNAME records.
Maximum registration period 10 years The number of years (between the current date and the current expiration date) for which a domain name can be registered.
Renewal grace period 30 days The number of days you have to renew your domain without additional cost after your domain expires.
Redemption period 30 days The number of days you have to redeem the domain name with a redemption fee after the renewal grace period
Pending deletion period 5 days The number of days you have to wait for the domain to be deleted after the redemption period